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Ideas worth stealing

Dear Reader, When everything around you feels cold, it is the warmth of the winter sun or a mother’s touch (literally!) that can inspire you back to active stage. I came across something similar yesterday – The Kindness Rock Project ( in a magazine under ‘Ideas worth stealing’. What a fabulous initiative! Reading about the project took me back to the day Claudia and I spent hours collecting rocks on the banks of Spiti river at Sichling, only to realize there was only so much that we could carry back to our homes. Thus, began the painful process of editing and choosing. This constant battle of what to keep and what to let go has become part and parcel of...

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Spreading Joy

Dear Reader, I remember the first time I visited Nagaland, I was struck by the sheer joy on the faces of the children in the villages, even those who had their younger sibling on a sling on their backs. No mothers, no nannies....just groups of children looking after each other and playing together. Contrast this to urban living, where we are extra cautious of our little ones, scared to let them out of our sights and governing each moment of their lives. While some will argue that it is required, others will completely deny that they tend to do that. Whatever be the case, most of mothers and caregivers in the cities have become so wrapped up in their everyday...

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